Sunday, May 31, 2009

Movie Review: Terminator Salvation

Been a while since I've posted, and I apologize people! I've been a bit busier than I normally am and unfortunately this blog had to go onto the back burner. Sorry out there. However one of the things I did this past week was see Terminator: Salvation, and let me tell you: Save your money.

I am a big fan of The Terminator and its sequel, Terminator 2. Terminator 3 was a bit of a stretch, it was cool for there for be another Terminator movie made, however losing James Cameron as the director was a bit of a let down and clearly the series took a punch to the stomach over it. By no means was Terminator 3 bad, if anything it was cool to actually see SkyNet take over and to actually see the machines rise up into power and Judgement Day arriving. The only thing that the series lacked was a movie where the war is happening, and that's what Salvation was... or so I thought it was going to be.

I walked into this movie expecting it to be two hours of things blowing up, multiple awesome battle scenes, plot expansion, and just overall badass-ness. When the credits rolled, I felt unsatisfied. Even though I had heard some reviews on the radio and television, and read some reviews in the papers and online, all of which said that the movie was garbage, I still had hope that maybe this movie would actually be good.

But I was wrong. Honestly, nothing essential happened in this movie. Nothing at all. All two hours of this movie could have been explained in the next movie in a 5 minute conversation between the characters. There was a cool scene here and there, but there was not one scene in the movie in which chills were sent up my spine or that I just sat back and said "wow that was fucking awesome." (See: Matrix Reloaded; Scene that takes place on the highway). And to make matters even worse, is that Christian Bale is one of the worst actors of the current wave of actors. He sucks, especally in this movie. Personally, I think he is the worst actor that has ever played Batman. There is so much talent out there in Hollywood, and this clown somehow gets selected to be Bruce Wayne and John Connor. Something is wrong with Hollywood. ANYONE could play Bruce Wayne and not mess it up, other than Christian Bale. Thank god that Heath Leger was in The Dark Knight otherwise it would be one of the worst movies of all time.

But back to Salvation. The main reason I was overly upset about this movie was that I was expecting an awesome battle between humans and machines, which just never happened. I wanted just ONE scene in the movie to be worthy of pushing this movie to the next level. And it just didn't happen, unfortunately. If you want to watch a movie where Christian Bale walks around pretending hes a badass and doing that growl/whisper/yell voice which happens to be the only voice he is capable of acting in, then go see this movie. But otherwise, save your money. The economy is too bad to throw away ten dollars for this movie, throw it in your gas tank.

I give it a two out of five.

It may have been a three out of five if there were able to incorporate this into it though:


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